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    1. Interior_Exhibition_Application07252023.pdf
    1. Outdoor_Temporary_Activity_Application07252023.pdf
    1. Cold_Spark_Pyrotechnical_Application07252023.pdf
    1. Pyrotechnic_Application07252023.pdf
    1. Temporary_Activity_Application07252023.pdf

2021 Fire Season Fire Updates

September 3, 2021

 Caldor Fire Relief: How You Can Help

August 31, 2021

Caldor Fire Information: Visit Linktree

Caldor Fire Incident Email Sign Up

CALFIRE Amador-ElDorado Unit facebook


Stay informed, be prepared and pack a go-bag

Helpful information links:

August 26, 2021


As the smoke continues to blanket the Lake Tahoe Basin and surrounding areas from the Caldor Fire, we are all feeling the impacts in many ways. It is uncomfortable both physically and mentally and creates a sense of urgency around the topics of emergency preparedness and evacuation.

“The Lake Tahoe Regional Fire Chiefs and Caldor Fire Incident Cooperators are working together diligently to ensure that everything possible is being done to mitigate the spread of this fire to the Lake Tahoe Basin. This fire is the number one priority in the country which means all available resources are being diverted to this incident” said North Lake Tahoe Fire Protection District Fire Chief Ryan Sommers. Current incident objectives include building a line east of the eastern edge of the fire, west of Camp Sacramento. The line is being constructed with bulldozers and hand crews.  Once the line is constructed, the Incident Management Team will take the appropriate measures to try and mitigate any further progression of the fire to the east.  The Operations Division of the team has established “trigger” points with respect to the fire's edge and if the fire reaches those trigger points, they may start asking for evacuations of Camp Sacramento to the east.  There are a multitude of elements, such as weather, wind, and humidity that have to line up for the fire to progress in this direction. 

People have a lot of questions regarding the evacuation process and when and how they will be notified. First, stay informed. Please sign up for county CODE RED emergency alert notifications. You will recognize the CODE RED call when your caller ID displays the following numbers. Please be sure to add these telephone numbers into your telephone contacts, when applicable (866-419-5000 or Emergency Alert for Emergency Notifications, 855-969-4636 or Community Alert for General Notifications).

In addition to CODE RED notifications, you may also be notified by the Emergency Alert System (EAS), adopted by the Federal Communication Commission, the EAS now replaces the old Emergency Broadcast System. Tune in to KKOH-AM780 on your radio, this is the primary relay station for northern Nevada. Other emergency notification systems include reverse 911, the media, and local emergency officials/door-to-door notifications.

It is up to each of us to be prepared before an emergency occurs. This means making a plan with your family that addresses communications, evacuation routes, pet(s), and special needs. Also, consider taking a home inventory of all items in your household.

Lastly, assemble a kit or ‘go bag’. This should include a three-day supply of essential items such as food, water, first aid and supplies, clothing, bedding, sanitation, flashlight, extra set of car and house keys, portable radio and batteries, home inventory checklist.

Being prepared and staying informed are the two best things you can do when it comes to emergency preparedness. Make a plan, assemble a kit, and stay informed. If evacuation becomes necessary, the more you are prepared, the quicker you can respond. Have your kit or go bag ready. If you are advised to evacuate do so immediately, do not wait. Know your evacuation routes and stay informed.

For folks that want to make donations or lend assistance on these fires, please call the incident fire information phone number, and ask for shelter and/or animal evacuation information (also listed in the incident information on InciWeb. You can also contact Red Cross, call 1-800-RED CROSS, or text the word REDCROSS to 90999 to make a $10 donation. For those interested in specifically helping people affected by the Western wildfires, write “Western Wildfires” in the memo line of a check and mail it with a completed donation form to the address on the form or to their local Red Cross chapter.

Some general helpful information links:

For Caldor Fire Information:

Ø  Caldor Fire Linktree:

Fire Protection Systems

Per the adopted Fire Code, all fire protection systems are required to be inspected, tested, and maintained following National Fire Protection Association Standards. Per Nevada State Fire Marshal, this must be done by a company and technician licensed by the Nevada State Fire Marshal. 

To see an updated list of licensed fire protection companies, please visit the Nevada State Fire Marshal's licensing division here

In addition, the Fire District requires fire protection service reports to be submitted to the Fire District to ensure compliance. Service reports must be submitted to the District’s third party provider, The Compliance Engine. 

If you are a fire protection service provider and need to submit a service report, please reach out to For further information, please reach out to the Fire Inspector at 775-833-8107

  1. Fire sprinklers and fire alarm systems shall be annually serviced.  
  1. Private fire hydrants shall be serviced annually
  1. Hood suppression systems shall be bi-annually serviced. 
  1. Commercial exhaust hoods shall be serviced 1-12 months 
    • Please review the adopted Fire Code or reach out to the Fire Inspector to verify required servicing schedule. 
  1. Fire extinguishers shall be serviced annually
  1. Fire pumps shall be serviced annually. 
    • Please review the appropriate NFPA standard for specific inspection frequencies. 
  1. Clean agent suppression systems shall be serviced annually. 


Ash Can Program

With the increased use of outdoor fireplaces and alternative heating/cooking methods, the North Lake Tahoe Fire Protection District would like to remind you of proper ways to dispose of leftover ashes.  Nationally, improper ash disposal from indoor and outdoor fireplaces and wood-burning stoves causes thousands of fires every year.

Many people do not realize the length of time required for ashes to cool enough for disposal.  Even after several days, a pile of ashes can hold enough heat to reignite and start a fire.  Four days, or 96 hours, is the minimum recommended cooling period for ashes. Extra care should be used in the storage and final disposal.

When disposing of the ashes, you should use the following procedures:

  • Make sure there are no hot spots left in the ashes.  This is done by soaking them in water or letting them sit for several days and double-checking for hot spots.   This would apply to charcoal grill ashes as well.
  • All ashes should then be stored in the fire-resistant metal container provided.  This helps keep air from blowing through and disturbing ashes which can leave hot coals exposed for reigniting.  Approved containers are available at local retailers.  They should NEVER be disposed of in a plastic garbage box or can, a cardboard box, or a paper grocery bag.  Never use a vacuum cleaner to pick up ashes.
  • The metal container should be placed away from anything flammable.  It should not be placed next to a firewood pile, up against or in the garage, on or under a wood deck, or under a porch.
  • After sitting for a week in the metal container, check them again to be sure that they are cool. If so, the ashes are then safe to dispose of in your trash.

As a safety precaution keep anything that can burn at least three feet away from a fireplace, wood stove, or any other heating appliance, and create a three-foot “kid-free zone” around open fires. It is important to ensure the fireplace has a sturdy screen to stop sparks from flying, and never leave a fire unattended, particularly when children are present.

For our Incline Village and Crystal Bay residents who rely on a wood-burning device for heat, please fill out the AshCanProgramFillableApplication.pdf  also available at the Fire District Administration Office, 866 Oriole Way, Incline Village. Bring the completed form to the Administration Office and if the required criteria are met, an ash can will be provided. Inside each ash can, residents will find an instructional flyer on how to properly dispose of fireplace ashes. Ash cans will be provided to qualifying residents on a first-come, first-serve basis.


Can Your Ashes infographic